Carte electronique, conception, production et maintenance

Certifications and approvals

The whole company SECAD is certified ISO 9001 (version 2008) , which permits to:

  • Guarantee that clients be satisfied by the formalization of our quality procedures during the research stage as well as the production phase.
  • Make easy the quality approach of each of our clients.

Our expertise in the field of electronics is acknowledged through the loyalty of not only our usual customers but also electronic component manufacturers. Thus we have been awarded the following approvals:

  • DESIGN ALLIANCE MEMBER by FREESCALE for developments using 8/16/32 bits microprocessors.
  • XILINX ALLIANCE PROGRAM MEMBER for developments using FPGA.

SECAD is also an approved « CREDIT IMPOT RECHERCHE » skill centre by the ministry of higher education and research: This means that the persons who pay research and development investments to SECAD are entitled to a special « research » tax credit as well as tax incentives.
SECAD is registered as training center .